Why Material Success Goes Beyond Money, Cars And A Big Home?
Ive meet people over the years that have made a great deal of money, that have material wealth, that dont feel that they are personally successful. Their lives just dont work. So we are talking about having the material things that bring you happiness but not the fear of losing them or in some causes the guilt over having them.
What I ask my clients to be is the person they want to be? That person who has all of the freedom, flexibility and joy that is part of the equation to follow. Money might be part of the solution but we are seeking more of the state of mind you want by achieving those goals. That is something you can experience as early as today.
Thomas Edison put all this in perspective: He said, If we did all the things we are capable of doing we could literally astound ourselves.
I ask clients as they go through the Creative Visualization Relaxation process, to pretend, allow, and imagine what life would be like if you woke up everyday and astounded yourself.
Once you commit to go out and try new things, and notice when you a new thing works and when they dont you will...