Why Most People Dont Use Effective But Free Online Marketing Tools
It is rather interesting that most people do not take free online marketing tools seriously. Never mind that there is plenty of evidence around and even more examples of web sites and online entrepreneurs who have taken off in a hurry using only free online marketing tools.
In a way this reaction is not surprising because we have been brought up in world where we have been taught to firmly believe in the facts of life. One of the major facts of life is that there is no such thing as a free lunch and nothing valuable costs nothing.
While all this is true, most people have failed to realize that the World Wide Web has arrived with its’ own unique and rather unorthodox but highly effective set of rules.
Even fewer have taken note of the fact that the most successful online business model so far has been based on the heavy use of free marketing tools and heavy spending in marketing comes later when the web site has already started enjoying some success.
A Famous Example
When Bill Gates was playing catch up on the internet after an initial error of judgement over the...