If you are planning to get a Norfolk terrier pet dog, here are some things you should know:
The Norfolk terrier originated from England. It is actually very affectionate and does not exhibit a disagreeable nature. Because of this, many people like to keep them as pets. However, there can be quite some difficulty housetraining a Norfolk terrier pet dog. This is because of the fact that a Norfolk terrier pet dog can be quite stubborn. The best method recommended for this breed is crate training.
What is crate training? Well, it involves training your Norfolk terrier pet dog to stay in a crate when it is left unsupervised. Used humanely, a crate can be a great den for your Norfolk terrier pet dog. This will help your Norfolk terrier pet dog when it needs some sort of privacy or alone time. This will also train your Norfolk terrier pet dog not to soil around the house. One advantage of crate training is the fact that you can be reassured that your pet will be safe even if it is left unsupervised. Traveling will also be much more comfortable, since your Norfolk terrier pet dog will have adjusted to his den.
A Norfolk terrier pet dog does not naturally shed its...