Theyre free! You only need a brain and a computer which if youre reading this now, you meet the criteria. Time needs to be put in to do the required research and make sure that your information meets and exceeds the needs of your chosen market. When organized properly, your information becomes a positive cashflow asset. Robert Kiyosaki is a strong advocate of creating positive cashflow assets. Many people think of assets as those things that have value but a real asset puts money in your pocket on a daily basis. Examples of free content that became an asset is any musician that you know and love. The Righteous Brothers are a classic group that came up with a few chart-topping hits and assuming that they wrote the music themselves, created an asset that has continued to create revenue even decades later.
Its fast and easy to create info products. This article took me about an hour to create and as part of a series of articles could be sold as a ebook or mini-course that created cashflow. You can have unlimited inventory and instant access for your customers. A eliable webhosting account will only cost you about $20 per month and your digital asset can be sitting on the...