But whos growing your business while youre busy tending to your clients needs? What are you doing to attract and maintain a steady stream of qualified, motivated prospects? How do you find and keep interesting clients who pay you what youre worth? Like most professionals, you may not be able to answer those questions because the answer involves marketing.
Sure, referrals can be a decent source of new clients, but theyre only one approach in a system of balanced strategies for guaranteeing youll have many desirable clients for as long as you wish. It doesnt matter how many referrals you get, if you dont know how to build and extend the potential relationship that each referral represents.
As a Smart Person, you have lots of options at your disposal for attracting more clients to your firm. And they dont have to include the expensive things that spring to mind when you say “marketing,” such as slick brochures, advertising, or direct mail.
However, your professional expertise alone will not differentiate you in a crowded marketplacenor will it bring clients to you. Youve got to let them know you exist and help them understand why youre different ...