Bed and breakfast inns are a great option for travelers who want to enjoy the local flavor of the location they are visiting. Large, international Hotels are fine if you are just stopping off somewhere for a night as part of a business trip, but if you are seeking to enjoy the culture of an area, then a bed and breakfast inn offers so much more than a hotel ever could. Whether you are heading to Switzerland or Los Angeles, an inn will give you the personal touch that a hotel lacks.
Bed and Breakfast Inns are usually family owned enterprise. The owners will supply the basic things you need a bed, breakfast in the morning, and a place to grab a quick shower. The breakfast is usually home made, and you may get to dine with the family. The bed and breakfast in many ways is like a home away from home, and may be more comfortable than a small hotel room.
Bed and Breakfast Inns Give a Taste of The Local Area
Many bed and breakfast inns are located in family homes so these are located in neighborhoods rather than tourist districts. This fact means that travelers get a chance to see a bit of the local neighborhoods and the local people. In some ways, this...