Why The Best Credit Cards Sometimes Arent The Most Obvious
If you are just applying for your first credit card or are simply looking for a new credit card to add to the fold, one thing is for sure… you most likely want to find the best credit card possible.
So, what is the best credit card available today?
Unfortunately, I cant answer that question for you. There are many different types of credit cards and like the shoes and clothes you wear, this isnt a case of one size fits all.
What you really need to determine before trying to find the best credit card, is what things are important to you? Do you plan on carrying a high balance month to month? Will you be paying off your credit card balance in full at the end of each billing period? Would you like to earn travel rewards or shopping credits? How about gas points?
As you can see, there are many different reasons to get a credit card and knowing what you want out of your credit card is very important.
Some other factors that you should really take into consideration when applying for a credit card are things like annual fees, minimum payment requirements, and grace periods...