The “so what?” factor… What?
Did you know that researchers have found 75% of your customers prefer blue socks to red socks?
Interesting (possibly)… but do you remotely care?
Unless you sell socks or red dye, you’d be justified to ask “so what with the blue socks and the red socks, how does that possibly help my business?”
In doing so, you’ve applied the “so what?” factor to research.
The “so what?” factor enables you to get precise data. This data enables you to act and make informed decisions. And this data is different from the research reports gathering dust in your bottom drawer because it increases the profitability of your business.
Why the “so what?” factor often gets overlooked during the research process
So why does so much research simply end up stuck in a drawer gathering dust?
Research is about discovering answers and learning new things – it is interesting, satisfying and often very valuable. But in the process, it is easy to lose focus and attempt to answer every conceivable question. The result is very little actionable...