Although credit cards are generally used for purchasing goods in shops and online, they can also provide you with the same services as an ATM. If you are short of money and a credit card cannot be used, then you can use your credit card to withdraw money from a cash machine. If you want to know more about credit card cash advance features, then here are some tips to get you started.
What is a cash advance?
A cash advance is simply when you use your credit card to withdraw funds from a cash machine. You are in effect using your credit card to withdraw an advance of cash. This money is part of your credit limit, and will show up on your statement in much the same way as any other purchase. Cash advances also include transferring balances to a debit card or other credit card.
How to get a cash advance
Most credit cards have cash advance features, and you simply need to put your card into the cash machine just as you would your debit card. Enter your PIN and then you can withdraw cash. Some credit cards also offer the opportunity to transfer part of the balance to a debit card, meaning you can use credit and change it to cash.
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