Why wasnt I told this about acne as a teenager?
I dont know if it was puberty or hormonal upheaval but friends I do know this, my teenage years were miserable because of one thing: Acne.
Well, based on what some people say about Positive thinking and all, I guess I allowed it to have too much control over me. However, at that age, how the heck was I to know about all that? Moreover, with bumps, bumps and more bumps all over my face, it was kind of hard you know. I doubt if any girl would have wanted to kiss a guy with a big red bump nestled on his lip today or his nose the next.
Needless to say those were sad years and had I known then what I know now about acne, folks, it would have been a different story. Either way it goes, I still come across helpless and understandably sad teenagers almost on a daily basis so if it helps any: if you are a teenager or know of a teenager who is plagued with pimples, here are a few tips that should help you cure your acne in no time.
1. First and foremost, I care not what some sites and product endorsers say about how diet doesnt affect acne; you have got to make a change in your eating habits, plain and simple....