Why You Have Not Made A Dime Investing In Real Estate Investing & How To Make Money Fast!
Ok, so you haven’t made a dime in Real Estate yet right? You want to be a Real Estate Investing Millionaire, but for some reason you can’t seem to find good deals on houses. Well, I can tell you what your problem is.
You are doing all of the things that don’t make you money in real estate! Going around with a Realtor, looking on the web, driving around nice neighborhoods looking for For Sale signs, telling a few people that you Buy Houses….it’s a major waste of time.
That’s just keeping yourself busy! Do you want to “PLAY REAL ESTATE” or do you want to be a “Real Deal” Real Estate Investor? If you don’t want to do what it takes, do yourself a favor and go down to Toys R’ Us pick up a game of Monopoly and call it a day. If you’re more interested in the latter, then you need to listen up! Spend that time knocking on the doors of homeowners in foreclosure. Quit doing all of the “Safe” things like meeting with Realtors. That’s why they’re safe, because you’re...