Bacteria in your colon are referred to by many different names probiotics, good or bad bacteria, beneficial bacteria, acidophilus, disbiosis, micro flora, proflora. friendly flora, and unfriendly bacteria.
I simple use good and bad bacteria to refer to all the bacteria that exist in the small intestine and your colon.
Your colon has both good and bad bacteria. The good bacteria maintain the health of your colon by keeping the bad bacteria from multiplying and reducing constipation.
Most people have bad bacteria as the dominant condition in their colon. You can see this by the illnesses that exist throughout the world. Most people later in their life suffer from diseases that resulted from colon neglect and abuse.
Bad bacteria multiples when you,
* Consume poisons such as pollution, pesticides, food additives such as preservatives, coloring, so on.
* Drink alcohol
* Eat processed foods
* Have excess anxiety
* Lack fiber in your diet
* Use birth control pills
* Use drugstore laxative
* Use drugs and medication
Good bacteria in your colon consists of hundred of species of bacteria. The good...