First, you should never think that insomnia is acceptable and write it off in any way at all. In fact, insomnia can actually be a sign of bigger problems. Insomnia may not be a disease so to speak but it is a condition that can be treated. One of the biggest problems is that most people do not ever discuss their insomnia problems with their doctor; therefore they can never be resolved.
So many times, people think that insomnia is a temporary condition that will go away on its own but it never does, it just gets worse. You could be suffering from anxiety, panic, or depression and may not even be aware of it yet. The doctor will figure this out and can give you something to make you feel better which will likely leads to you gaining back your sleep.
Insomnia should not be ignored for many reasons. Perhaps it is your medication that is causing this insomnia, or maybe you have a medical condition that has yet to be diagnosed, or maybe you have an emotional condition that you are unaware of. Whatever the reason you can be certain of one thing and that is that there definitely is a reason. Insomnia, especially chronic insomnia is your body’s way of letting you...