Why You Should Never Pay To Gamble With A Cash Advance
Being a compulsive gambler is never really a good thing. That is simple really: you don’t ever want to over-gambler, especially when you can’t pay for your next “fix.” Compulsive gambling is a disease, no matter how you look it; and like any disease-mental or physical-you must take a practical approach to diagnosing your problem and overcoming it.
Most gamblers will use their own money. But if they become a compulsive gambler, they will continue to use whatever money they can borrow, whether it means secretly mortgaging the house or taking out a loan. Some go to a casino and think of using just $50; then that figure goes up as they think the next big win is just around the corner.
A cash advance for a gambler is a disaster just waiting to happen and should never be taken.
A compulsive gambler who can’t pay for his addiction through his own money is in trouble; and if he applies for a cash advance to help him, then he will be in even bigger trouble then before. He could and probably will end up in a huge mountain of debt with no feasible method of escape.