Most people these days expect to be able to pay with a credit card, whether they are at the local gas station or working with an independent service industry person who runs a business out of his or her home.
If you are a business owner who has been reluctant to accept credit cards in the past, you need to understand how important it is to accept credit cards and how it will help your business.
First off, people tend to think that businesses that don’t accept credit cards are unprofessional. It’s a silent message to your customers or clients that you don’t take your business seriously enough to pay the application fee and other fees associated with payment processing through credit cards.
Further, customers might be annoyed by the fact that you don’t accept credit cards. Most people don’t carry cash anymore, and they might not always have a checkbook with them, but you can bet they always have a credit card, ATM card or check card in their wallet. Make it easier for your customers by accepting the payment method they always have on hand.
If you receive payments through invoicing clients, accepting credit cards is...