When you are stranded in the wilderness, you may think of food as large game. While this may be an option for you, focusing on smaller game may be more feasible under the circumstances. Remember, you are not on a hunting trip for leisure. You are merely trying to survive and beat the hunger pains to get through this adverse situation.
Smaller animals are more abundant than large game. Preparation of smaller animals is usually simpler and easier, as well. For this reason, focusing on small game can be beneficial. There are few animals that are poisonous to humans, so try to learn of such animals. The list of poisonous animals is easier to remember than focusing on all safe animals for consumption.
It is important to learn about the habits of specific animal species. Behavioral patterns can be informative, too. For instance, animals that are best for trapping often live in dens or groups, animals that have relatively fixed feeding areas, and ones that have trails leading from one area to another.
Larger animals such as caribou or elk are harder to trap. Plus, a bigger animal can be more dangerous. Center your search for wild game around animals that are...