Just close your eyes for a moment and try to visualize what the essence of wildlife photography might be. You are bound to see the mesmerizing images of a lion or a cheetah going for the kill. This is because this class of photography aims to captures and captivate you! If you have a passion for photography and if you love being nature, raw and unforgiving, then photographing wildlife is the ideal choice for you.
There are certain key factors that will play an important role in shaping each image while drawing you out for a kill. You just cant pick your camera and walk right into a game hunting reserve to shoot a wild animal. You will have to learn ad unlearn. The results, when drawn out of your camera, will be well worth the wait despite the difficult but thrilling process involved in shooting the game.
There are some commandments that you need to follow in wildlife photography and they are:
1) Tracking: You need to study and develop skills that will help you to track a tiger in 100 sq miles of forest land. Tracking is important for the perfect photograph and you can do it by following the paw marks, and the feces.
2) Patience: patience is a big...