For those interested in an exciting outdoor adventure in the cooler weather, winter camping may be the choice for you. Winter camping brings an entirely new element to the activity of camping. Not only do you see the great outdoors in a totally different light, it also offers different challenges from summer camping.
Winter Camping Supplies
It is important to have the correct supplies for winter camping, as this is can, at times, have a level of danger not present at other times of the year. Things to bear in mind include rapid changes in the weather the weather may be fine and sunny, although cool, when you leave to hike to your destination and within minutes a winter storm can blow up. Dress appropriately in layers for winter camping. Avoid wearing cotton. Cotton does not dry quickly and retains the water against your skin causing you to become even colder with the added risk of hypothermia developing.
For winter camping trips always wear nylon or wool clothing wool should be used for socks. Dress in layers starting with a thin layer of clothing against your skin. There are some sportwool fabrics that are used in long johns, next a warm layer of clothing...