Wise Use Of Credit Cards

| Total Words: 543

Using your credit cards wisely might be the most important and beneficial decision you can make towards financial health. The reason for this is simple: high interest rates on credit cards can cost you more than money if you find yourself unable to make your payments on time.

Consider this: For most consumers, home payments (or rent payments), along with automobile payments are usually the two most expensive debts that a consumer carries. These two payments alone can often account for over 30% of a consumer’s take home pay per month. When high-interest rate credit cards are added to this, the overall cost per month can easily reach 60% or more of take home pay. That does not leave much for other expenses such as food, clothing, car insurance, personal loans, etc. For many consumers, the payments on their credit cards are the most expensive debt that they carry. In other words, the total amount of money that they have to send in on payments is higher than what they spend on home loan payments or automobile payments.

There are many reasons why credit cards can become a threat to your financial health, but the number one reason is that they are so easy to use....

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