With No Annual Fees Credit Card: It Is Freedom For Life
When the direct sales agent comes to offer you the credit card, without any transaction fee you are always happy to put that card in your wallet. But it may also happen that at the end of the year after the card has completed one year and when you receive the bill for annual fees on the credit card you may rue the decision of having the credit card. It had been observed by the credit card industry that most of the credit cards underwent mortality within a year of being issued, as the users were not ready to pay the annual fee of the credit card.
The way out was No annual fee credit card. The advent of no annual fee credit card has taken care of the rate of surrender that the card users were experiencing. As there is no annual fee to be paid, the cancellation rate on the cards has come down to a great extent. In technical terms no annual fee credit cards are those cards where the card issuing banks do not make any charge for providing servicing on the card on an annual basis. No annual fee credit cards have also come into vogue after the advent of the era of information technology. No annual fee credit cards...