With The Deck Of Casino Cards To The School Blackboard. Part Two.
The other deck of XVIII century was described by Breitkopf: “this deck has four suits: Ven (civil), Woo (military), Co (science), Juan (cademy), nine cards each suit. Each card has a corresponding title within this suit. In such a way we have the most important ranks of the civil hierarchy and in particular the most important officers from minor to senior”.
Prunner has distinguished three main elements in the Chinese cards of XVII: literary quotations; toasts and wishes; suits in the form of monetary denomination (from hundred thousands and tens of thousands to hundreds and coins). Later on the officials and toasts disappeared from the cards and only citation and money remained. The most famous Chinese cards are money cards. The value of the card is determined by the denomination of the money cord.
The most ancient Japanese cards were produced from the shells and were intended for literary entertainments of the educated public. The lines from the poems were depicted on the shells. The aim of the game was to correctly combine the shells (to compose a poem). This game was a...