Nominated for a single Emmy in its short three season stint, Wonder Woman – which premiered in 1976 – was the third attempt by the major networks to bring the popular comic book character to TV. Created as the result of a collaboration between the multi-talented William M. Marston and DC Comics publisher Maxwell Gaines, Wonder Woman made her world premiere in a 1941 comic book. The final product of Gaines’ request for a female comic book hero, Marston never lived to see his creation become a television star (he died prematurely from skin cancer in 1947), but his legacy lives on through the Wonder Woman franchise which continues to entertain worldwide audiences to this day
Wonder Woman follows the exploits of the Amazonian princess, Diana, who leaves her Paradise Island home in order to bring justice to the world of men. Athletic and intelligent, Diana Prince (as she’s known to the outside world) also possesses special powers that are brought about when she whirls around to transform into Wonder Woman. Her magic belt gives her added strength, her metallic bracelets deflect bullets, and her tiara doubles as a boomerang In addition, she’s aided...