Some families watch television, others like to play sports. But you are a woodsman and your child loves to copy you! So how can you safely include your children in your woodworking activities? Its simple. Before letting your child touch any of your woodworking tools, you must have a safety talk with them. Let them know which tools they are able to touch, such as the hammer, nails and other non sharp and non electrical items. You dont ever want your young child to operate a saw or a drill. They may think they dont need you around to use it, so just avoid giving them that habit all together.
After you have a safety talk with your child about your woodwork shop and its tools, you can begin to show them how each of the tools work. Many like to begin with simple tasks such as sanding wood or holding the drill. But before you begin, you and your child need to decide on what project you will want to work on together. There are many things you could make that will actually come in handy or that will be fun for your child after creating it. Such as a wooden horse that rocks, a doll house, tree house or a car.
Once you choose the project, you can then show your child which...