Would not it be great if you could study for playing trivia games and are paid for your time? With many internet companies pushing for article marketing for their websites, it is possible to earn money working from home and learn a few things along the way. Article marketing is one of the most popular methods for websites to be noticed on the internet and more people are employing search engines to find what they are looking for online.
Companies either employ a writer to produce these articles or hire freelance writers to producing informational articles about the products or services they are offering. In many cases, these articles are not going to be posted on the actual site; rather they use them for inclusion in newsletters and ezines along with a link to their website. When a visitor searches for a specific search term, they hope the articles show up in the search results and the visitor clicks through to their site.
Search engines do look for articles that are rich in information and a good freelance writer can place specific key words into an article in a way in which the article’s information flows properly and still attracts the search engine...