Many online users are looking for a Work at Home Business Online Opportunity. Many of them believe that they will hit it big sooner or later. Some do , some don’t.
The main difference between the ones who succeed and the ones that don’t is their mindset.
When you start a business, first of all you should be open to success. If you think from the beginning that you will fail, then you WILL FAIL.
Second, an online business requires just as much work as an offline business, if not more. That is due to a missing ingredient which is called “the human touch”. Any successful marketer is constantly on the phone with customers, downline or prospects. Why? Because that proves that there is a person behind a web site.
Third , the majority of business seekers believe that if they join a business online opportunity that claims that it is “automated”, that means that they don’t have to do anything. Wrong! Absolutely ANY business needs something called advertising. If people – about 90% of the online business opportunity seekers – do not make money online, that’s because they don’t invest in...