Working For The Enemy A Lesson In Conflict Management
Have you ever had a boss who you could never see eye to eye? Did it seem that every thing that you did was wrong? Did you think you were working for the Enemy? Wait, dont quit! There may be a reason why the two of you are complete opposites.
As you know everyone is different in almost every different way. People and the way they act and react are due to their nature and nurture. In other words, they act the way they do because of their genetics and their environments. Their environment includes the way they were raised as children by their parents, their social involvements with the opposite sex, and their prior work environments. These factors, when all put together, make up who we are and make us unique. The key to getting along with your boss it to first understand his/her values when compared to your own.
I had a boss in a previous company, who for the life of me, I could not get along with. He was a very intelligent individual, who I desperately wanted to get approval from, however I could never understand why he did the things he did and why he could not respect the decisions that I made. Given...