When you are looking for a loan, you need to compare loans by working out the total cost of repaying the loan. Although many web sites allow you to compare the APR costs, working out the real total cost of a loan is a little more complicated. However, it is important that you do this so that you can budget accurately and also so that you can find the best deal for your needs.
Estimating the total cost
The quickest and easiest way to estimate the total cost is to multiply the total amount borrowed by the APR, and then multiply this by the number of years. For example, if you borrow 10,000 and the APR is 10% for 5 years, then 10000 times 0.10 times 5 equals 5000. This is the interest you will pay, so add this to the total amount borrowed and then you know to borrow 10,000 for 5 years at 10% costs you 15,000 in total. Of course, this is only an estimate and will be higher than the actual amount as interest payments are reduced as you pay off the amount.
Other costs
There are obviously other costs to add to this total amount, such as loan processing fees, payment protection insurance and any other fees you need to buy to set up the loan. Add these to the...