In case of emergency, the first thing that you should do is tend for yourself and then consider providing first aid to other people around you. It is important for every home to have a first aid kit and emergency supplies to treat injuries sustained during an accident. These supplies can help reduce swelling, bleeding, infections and trauma that occur during an injury.
But what should you include in your first aid kit? You have to have safety pins, bandages, sterile gauze pads, scissors, needle, tweezers, medicine dropper, aspirin, non-prescription drugs, thermometer, and moistened towelettes among others. To store these supplies properly you need to buy a plastic storage container. This container will be the safety box of your emergency supplies so make sure that it is durable and easy to move around. You can also include a flashlight and fresh batteries in the kit. A flashlight can help in detecting foreign bodies in the wound, eyes and mouth and in determining the severity of the wound. Just be sure to check on the batteries every few months.
If you do not want to assemble your own first aid kit you can always purchase it through a variety of medical...