If you want to make money online a good strategy that won’t cost you a dime is to write articles that relate to your product or service.
Search Engines are constantly on the “look out” for freshly written content that has been submitted online. So how do you come up with ideas for your next article? Here are several suggestions that may help…
* Hang out in online forums. Watch what people are talking about. Look at the questions they are asking. The topics that are bringing the greatest number of visitors would make for an excellent article.
* Take a look at what information is being broadcast on TV, radio, newspapers, and online. This information is usually a hot topic.
* Read blogs. What are people posting about? What kind of comments are they leaving? What questions do they have? Blogs are the hot internet marketing medium right now and you can literally find them everywhere on any topic. This is an excellent source for your next article idea.
* Survey your current customers or website visitors. Ask them what kind of article they would like to see in your next ezine or published on your website.
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