Start your writing with conflict if you want to guarantee sales, grab an agent or publisher, get paid a big advance. Your protagonist wants something and your antagonist wants to block it. If you want to be the publishers star-of-the-month, just hand out a strong dose of conflict right up front. Bold like. Then, theyre wrapped up in your story and its too late for them to escape. Trust me, readers, agents and publishers are going to consider writing with a strong dose of conflict as good fortune for their company. Readers will not want to put it down. The big boys just might pat you on the head and pay you a six-figure advance.
As conflict is so essential to good writing, whether its fiction, or nonfiction, childrens books or memoir, it will aid your attention-getting cause. I suggest you start practicing the art of writing conflict right now for your openings. Read the examples and write your own:
James walked in ready to crash and thats when he saw the monster. (Antagonist wants to take protagonist’s calm time away)
When I walked in, Emily had on my favorite blouse I was going to wear tonight. She stood there trying to apologize for tearing...