They say the best way to making money on the Internet, is to create your own Ebook. Wow! Thats a simple statement, but do you know what is involved. Ill try to explain what I have learned and I am learning while Im creating my own Ebook.
If you know what you want to create, youve already on your way. But, if youre not sure what information you have stored in your years of living well, it can be difficult.
Ive found the best way to brainstorm is to write your ideas, experiences and knowledge down on a piece of paper then do research to determine what people are looking for on the net.
To determine if your product, idea, or info-knowledge will fly you must do research. Go to Wordtracker or Overture and see how many times people in the month were looking for what you want to write about.
This will give you an idea if it is a viable product. Also do a straight search in Google and Yahoo for your keywords, and see what turns up. Investigate some of the sites, you may be surprised that you have a completely slant on the information you want to present in an E-book which is a good...