If you’ve been on the web for any length of time I’m sure you’ve seen the headlines on websites or in your email inbox stating things like, “Writing Articles is the Best Way to promote your website and get laser targeted traffic to your site” or “If your not writing articles to promote your site there’s something wrong with you” and my favorite “Writing Articles is Free and only requires a bit of time to Write Them”. My response to these statements is, “HOGWASH”
Like most of us on a limited budget I set about the task of writing articles. I spent hours upon hours writing and submitting articles to every directory I could find. After several months I concluded there was something very very wrong.
My taffic had not increased, I had not built a list of thousands of subscribers and I was no better off financialy since my affiliate links were not bringing me any sales.
So I gave up and decided those headlines I’d read were internet hype and not having any experience at writing and I’d been duped into believing that this form of marketing was a valid one....