Greeting cards are a wonderful way to express your feelings. They offer a way for us to say what we mean even if we cannot find the words ourselves, which is where greeting card writers come in. They do not receive a byline and never see their work published in national magazines, but they do produce some of the most widely read projects. Writing for greeting cards is especially nice because the word count is low and the pay can be as much, or more, than some publications.
If you want to write for greeting cards, the first thing to do is to become familiar with what is popular and what sells. A greeting card company will not hire you if your material is not fresh and unique. If you are just starting out as a writer and want to get your ink wet, so to speak, write what you know. The same is true when writing for greeting cards.
Your next step will be to find a company that is looking for freelance writers for greeting cards, which can often be found directly from the companys website. Most have policies regarding freelance submissions and ask that content for greeting cards be submitted to a specific individual within the company. If accepted, your work will be...