Press releases and sales letters are key tools in marketing ones business in todays professional world. However, many professionals do not seem to understand the importance of enhancing their writing skills.
Few people realize that the written materials they send to clients can make or break their business. A badly written press release or sales letter can make one sound like an amateur to a potential client; but a crisp, well-written letter can prove to a client that you are the best in your field. You can utilize these marketing techniques if you follow a few simple rules.
First, take a minute to analyze your niche market. Who are these people to whom you are sending your materials? What will spark their interest? Use clear and concise words to detail your product or services, but do not treat your clients as though they cannot understand simple examples. Do not use words that are key words in your industry but not widely used elsewhere.
Second, determine what makes your business unique to your niche market. If you are sending your press release to a business magazine or newspaper, focus on the business aspect of your services. If you are sending a press...