Every day, I have to contemplate my lengthening career as a writer. I used to also be an artist, back before I became physically disabled in 1998, and regularly drew pictures in pen and ink. I was thinking of transferring over to some computer pad-style drawing technology so I could create graphics and artwork on the computer directly. But since becoming what they call physically challenged, I have a hard time with drawing. Its easier just to type, edit or otherwise work with a keyboard. And I have an over twenty year long career as a writer and editor to draw from as I continue to write every day.
It fascinates me as a ghost writer and an editor the many subject areas that my clients are willing to create books about. One will want to write his or her life story, such as the author who approached me recently regarding his life story as a transgenderal person. He changed from female to male, and he is now married and a father of two children, not his own, as the surgery doesnt yet allow transgenderal persons to procreate. Another will want to write a childrens fantasy chapter book, an adult science fiction dark fantasy warehouse party series of books, a how to book on...