Since my grade school years, I have already practiced writing my thoughts through small diaries and other journals. I always wrote down every single thought inside my head and I try to recuperate with the whole scenario of the day that I had. Since then, and until now, I still use a diary. But the difference is that before I used a huge notebook but now I use my computer. Every now and then, I do have problems like all people do. What I would like to share with you is to how you could help yourself solve a problem without the help of anyone but yourself by writing or typing thoughts.
One time in my College years, I had a big problem with some of my friends, I was so depressed that time that I didnt even want to tell it to anyone, so I found a good friend and confidante with my Personal Computer. As I kept on writing (or typing) every thought in my mind, I sort of felt that it actually helps me release some of the anger that I have felt. The more I typed, the more I felt good. Whenever I type the words at a very fast pace, I could feel the tension growing inside of me as if Im telling it straight to that someone who is making me very angry. The very feeling that I am...