Xbox 360 – Why Should You Spend Your Money On It
Xbox 360 is the coolest system since Nintendo 64! The Xbox 360 is a purely awesome gaming console, with hours and hours of fun attached. All the features on this baby leaves the owner speechless! It has an arcade feature and a shop feature. In the arcade feature, you obviously play classic arcade games. The shop feature lets you buy new things for games using “gamer points”. One more cool feature is the ability to hook your Ipod up to it and listen to songs while playing games and letting it charge! The Xbox 360 has countless games for it and it’s only been out for about a year!
Games such as Halo 3, Guitar Hero 3, and Bio Shock are included in the 360. Halo 3 is about a futuristic war against Aliens and Humans. Halo 3 includes a multiplayer feature which is always updating so it never gets old. Guitar Hero 3 is a game where you are able to play many classic songs. It has the difficulty levels of Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert. You can tell a difference between difficulty level and it is GREAT fun! Bio Shock is about a man who gets in a plane crash and finds an underwater city where...