What goes on in the body when you are doing your asanas? Most of us realize that yoga increases and maintains flexibility, strengthens muscles and increases one’s stamina. All forms of yoga invite the participant to attend to their breath and notice the inward quieting. Most individuals who participate sense a uniqueness in this movement form. Many of us are satisfied with just sensing this, leaving an explanation of how it affects our bodies and spirit to the realm of the mystical.
Those who seek to understand how things work ask:
What effect does yoga have on one’s physicality? When one assumes and holds a yoga posture, this act of stretching and bending at the joints facilitates feedback to the central nervous system. This is done by means of beds of proprioceptive nerve endings located within the joints and muscles. Proprioceptors provide information about position, direction and rate of movement as well as the amount of muscle tension in a locality.
Yoga causes the central nervous system to respond with appropriate self-regulatory measures by promoting proper bio- mechanical use.
Self-regulation and self-healing are the...