You Can Adjust Your Sails Despite The Winds In Your Life
There are a lot of people who will try to make you believe that you can be in total control of your life. Many of these seemingly well-adjusted perfectionists seem to glide through life untouched by human tragedy in their own lives. Unfortunately their time for cruelty comes sooner or later, and when it does it hits them hard because they didnt believe it could happen to them. The truth is we are not in control of most of our lives. For example: We cant choose which families we are born into; we dont choose where we will live as children; we dont choose our own D.N.A. pattern; thus we can not change how susceptible to certain diseases we may be; and we can not control what outside negative forces we will face in our lifetime. We can not control the sex of our baby. Nor can we control their lives with many of the same factors.
Life is hard but take courage because just as we can not control many of those outside influences, we can control how we respond to them. This is what is meant in that famous saying: “We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.” The unknown author is trying to...