In the summer of 2006, a new social web site was introduced to the world and its popularity has been increasing rapidly. HubPages, as it is known, burst onto the scene and it ushered in a new avenue for everyone from web surfers to internet marketers. The creators of HubPages had the online marketing professionals in mind when the site was being prepared for release. Increased web site traffic for online businesses was a key goal for the owners of HubPages and not only have they delivered, these intuitive entrepreneurs have succeeded with stunning precision. For the online business owner, HubPages is a marketing dream come true, especially for the novice owner who has a limited budget. In fact, members are highly encouraged to create income generating sites through HubPages and the best part this service is absolutely free to use.
When Hubpages was launched, a new era of internet marketing was born. This new site, the brainchild of former Microsoft employees, was introduced as a social gathering place, a hobbyist site, and a portal for internet business owners. Hubpages is search engine friendly and provides all marketers with a substantial amount of guaranteed web site...