You Can Have Washboard Abdominals And Look Great On The Beach
Can you imagine walking along the beach in you swimsuit with everyone looking at your rippling six pack. All eyes jealously admiring your suntanned, muscular physique.
Ok heres the truth, “there are no easy ways to build washboard abs”!
But there are some ways that will give you fantastic results (and some that will waste your time).
It seems as if there is a new “Super Fast Power Abdominals” gadget on the market every week. Most of them are totally useless and may do more harm than good. The only thing that will get a workout is your wallet.
Some of them may work for a while but when the novelty wears off, its packed in the back of a cupboard, never to be seen again.
They are all limited in what they can do. They only allow you to do a limited number of movements. And then you get the next gadget out! You would need to exercise in a warehouse to get everything in. And thats just for the abs!
I have even seen for sale, on eBay, with bids, a sun mask to place on your abs so that you will get sun tan where the muscle separation would be. I...