You Owe Your Laptop And PC To To Basic Human Ego And Its Frailties.
One of the most important developments leading to the personal computer revolution was the invention of the semiconductor. Or the transistor in 1949. The feat was accomplished by engineers at Bell Labs. The transistor was nothing more than a solid state electronic switch that replaced the much larger vacuum tubes of the day. The transistor consumed significantly much less power in performing the exact same job as the larger, hot tubes of the day. Thus a computer system built with transistors would be smaller, use less power and be more efficient. And to boot since transistors did not wear out like an electric tube or electric incandescent light bulb, much more reliable.
Transistors allowed a trend of miniaturization that has led all the way to our present portable small laptop / notebook computers which can run on batteries. It is hard to visualize that todays laptop computers replace what would have been a multistory building packed with computers that would of consumed huge amounts of electric power.
In 1959 engineers at Texas Instruments figured out how to put more than one transistor on...