Do you love to eat fatty foods? If so, then you could be a candidate for certain heart related problems. According to medical studies, the incidence of heart attacks and coronary artery disease is a result of an escalation of blood cholesterol levels. For that reason, people with cholesterol levels that are above the norm should protect themselves from suffering any form of degenerative disease by lowering their blood cholesterol. This can be realized by observing a low cholesterol diet, while at the same time engaging in moderate physical activities. If diagnosed with high cholesterol levels, there is also medication that can help in controlling cholesterol levels.
Having an excess of cholesterol in the blood is suggested by medical experts as the number one cause of hypertension, and heart disease. In general, the concept that cholesterol is harmful for the body is definitely a false impression. Cholesterol is an important component in our bodys complete metabolism. It functions as a vital substance in the formation of cell membranes and also is responsible in producing vitamin D and other significant hormones in the human body. However, an increase in cholesterol...