Young Adults Need To Seek Wealth Literacy, Not Financial Literacy
Today there is much talk about how young adults are financially illiterate as if financial literacy were adequate to build wealth. Millions of people have read one of the best financial literacy books out there Rich Dad,Poor Dad yet there is a loss of translation somewhere between the sound principles of financial literacy and their utility in building wealth. Somewhere, there still is a bridge to building wealth that books such as Rich Dad, Poor Dad have failed to cross. This bridge is one of not financial literacy, but one of wealth literacy. If I were a university President, I would ensure that my business program offered the following courses:
(1) How to Leverage Money
(2) The Four Pillars of Wealth
(3) How to Invest Money
(4) Gold and Precious Metals
(5) How to Leverage Time
(6) Debunking Widespread Investment Myths; and
(7) Networking
There would be several more lessons that I would provide after this basic curriculum was completed, including:
(1) The Connection Between Politics and Investing; and
(2) Leveraging Technology to Build...