When I started my first business I didnt have a solid, well thought-out business plan. I threw together a rough one that I used to apply for a bank loan (which I didnt get, by the way).
Ive found the best way to make sure a business is going to be successful is to create a business plan. It doesnt need to be pages long and take you days and days to complete. Below Ive created a quick 30 Minute Business Plan.
A good business plan will help you figure out approximately what your business will cost to get off the ground. You dont want to guess at this. Knowing your costs will help you decide what youre going to charge.
The 30 Minute Business Plan below also includes information about your competition. Dont forget about them. In one way or another they exist and youre going to want to get to know them.
The bottom line most businesses fail because they dont have a clearly spelled-out business plan. Dont make that mistake.
For those of you who have been in business for awhile, dont think a business plan cant help you. Your business plan should be taken out on a regular basis, reread and updated.
Your 30 Minute Home Business...