How are you dressed?
Are you dressed in fine clothes, rich in colors, warm and inviting to the eye, or are you dressed as a pauper in rags?
The time has come to move onto a higher state of living.
By saying this I am not implying that you place yourself above another human being or view others as beneath you. Rather, I am saying elevate your own self to a place where you are not trudging around in a rut, covered with mud, covered with flies and cursing all the while.
Work on having integrity and being virtuous. Work on being whole. Work on being responsible for what you think, feel, and say.
As we live and interact in this world, it is easy to give into our baser expressions. You know what I mean. Yelling in the car at the drivers behind or ahead of you or lifting that finger and displaying your I.Q. Expressing our displeasure with the idiocy of the store clerk you’re dealing with. Complaining loudly about your wait in line. These things are really not that important in the grand scheme of things. And when you make them important, you belittle yourself and those around you.
We who have the advantage of living in first-world...