An astonishing number of people own and use a cell phone (celular), with current figures totaling over 800 million worldwide. It has has become an important part of daily life, and improves business and travel opportunities, whilst providing the best possible level of communication across the globe.
However, the high numbers of users are also subject to changing trends for a number of reasons including improved features, fashion and accessories. This means that upgrades are a regular occurrence, with each device being used for an estimated 12 to 18 months. This means that there is a lot of cell phone waste.
Many users are not aware of the potential damage to the environment that incorrect disposal of cell phones (celular) can cause. Incorrect disposal means throwing any cell phone away, which is the typical fate assigned to an unwanted device. However, components within it can have a terrible impact on the environment and so need special disposal. All cell phones (celular) contain persistent metals which do not degrade in the environment. They also contain bioaccumulative metals which become toxic over period of time.
For instance, cadmium which is present...