Credit cards are an excellent way to help you manage your finances each month. Used wisely, they are an excellent financial tool. Used unwisely and people will quickly discover that their credit cards can rear their ugly heads and cause long-term financial problems.
But credit cards arent all bad. If we could live our lives without them, we would. But we cant. The world is simply not built that way anymore. More and more often, companies require credit cards as the best way to receive payment or security, rather than cash or checks.
But a credit card is just a loan. Few people realize it as such, but thats all it is: Simply a loan that you can use if you want, but you dont always use. A credit card is like a constant line of credit that is represented by the piece of plastic you carry in your wallet or purse. It says to the shop owner that someone has checked you out and deemed you worthy to receive a certain amount of credit line in order purchase the product offered for sale.
Used wisely, a credit card is an excellent financial tool. The first advantage a credit card offers is the ability to manage your finances. This means that you can buy things you...