Credit cards can be a convenience or they can be your financial undoing. It is true that credit cards are convenient, reduce your need to carry cash and as well allow you to purchase bargains on the spot, and save money, that you might not have been able to do otherwise.
As your father or grandmother may have chided you I am getting wealthy on your savings. True credit and credit cards can be a boon. Why is it that so many people have trouble with credit cards? Credit cards are a double, or triple edged sword. Why should be careful with credit cards? Credit cards are useful in our society. And yet these financial instruments deserve the same dread and respect that a recovering alcoholic should have about alcohol.
Credit cards can breed mountains of debt for the unwary. It is not only that we live in a society and time of immediate pleasure. The refrain may be Why wait for spring? Why deny yourself. Get it now. Indeed your grandfather may have told you repeatedly not to buy anything until you have saved the money. Best to wait. Never go into debt.
Never buy anything until you can afford it.
However it is not only our current curse of immediate and...