Its certainly no secret today that your credit score goes with you just about everywhere when it comes to purchasing something on time. However, if you think your credit score only comes into play when you are applying for a loan you need to re-think that.
When it comes to car insurance, many insurance companies will also take your credit score into consideration when it comes to determining the cost of your coverage or even coverage at all if you are applying for insurance.
Even with a spotless driving record, this can be the case.
You see, for insurance companies, its all about statistics and risk factors. Many insurance companies believe that mediocre to poor credit ratings equate to higher insurance risks.
So, if youre not the best at getting your credit card payments in the mail on time you may want to stop and think about changing your payment habits and make more of an effort to improve your payment track record. Whether this is true at all or not, almost all auto insurers use your credit score in the mix to some degree when determining your premium.
Knowing this, makes it even more important for you to know exactly what your credit...